Future PAF members in the making – Books to teach them the skills ;)

Education is a universal human right and books play an important part in attaining it. Books are scarse in Zambian schools. Usually the “pupil to book ratio” is 1 to 4, so one book for 4 kids…This is worse in homes as village homes never stock books.

To provide books for kids PAF has come up with a plan for a village library. Our library room will be ready very soon as furniture is being made.ย Thanks to good-hearted people out there we sometimes recieve books for our kids.

This timeย our friends from Australia have donated books to stock up the library. Thanks to Guama School, Liane Hornig and all who have donated books. Twalumba! ๐Ÿ™‚ You brought a lot of smiles to the village and our kids!

Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!

The books cover all aspects of life relevant to kids all over the world. We received books for entertainment and education. All aspects of learning have been catered for, such as subjects like History, Geography, Science and Crafts…but also a lot of story books.

Books for the library
Books for the library

So when you visit PAF library be assured that you will find adventures of Alice in Wonderland and books on how to grow potatoes or how to sew a shirt.

Apart from kids books our library has novels ranging from wild west adventures to The Book Thief.

A lot of books are still needed and our humble appeal from our well wishers is to continue helping us. Thank you so much!

Future PAF members in the making – Books to teach them the skills ;)

A Good Investment

As you all know the main objective of PAF is to promote household food security in Chinkonono and the surrounding villages.

It is in this vein that PAF, with the intention of supplementing members’ effort in securing household food security, embarked on a seed and fertiliser support programme. Eleven members who where willing to take part applied and were given 4.000 Kwacha (roughly 400 Euros) from the PAF bank account. This money was paid to the Ministry of Agriculture under FISP (Fertiliser Support Programme). This is a national programme in which farming inputs are subsidised at fifty percent to enable peasant farmers access farming inputs.

Each of the eleven members got three and half bags of fertiliser and one bag of seeds. Hence each of the beneficiaries are able to grow a hectare of maize. The expected harvest for each beneficiary is 75 to 80 bags of maize. Each of these beneficiaries will pay back 400 Kwachaย to the project in May. That way we can already raise the money to attend in programme again end of 2017.

Due to this project plus very good rains Chinkonono village is gearing for a bumper harvest. People will have food to eat and the extra will be sold for soap and salt.

We are really loving without borders thanks to all those who contributed to the success of this fertiliser project by contributions and donations.


This should boost the 2017 harvest!
This should boost the 2017 harvest!
A Good Investment

Christmas in a Zambian Village

World over, despite different faith and beliefs, Christmas is a family reunion time.

After the generous donation from RotB in 2015 when we celebrated Christmas for the first time…this year should be veryย special for Chinkonono kids as this Christmas was for them.

Thanks to our German Mama Africa Bruni we could buy a lot food and even some sweets in 2016 again. About 900 Kwacha were spent on food and drinks. We bought rice, sugar, flour, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, biscuits, one goat and three chickens.

Our ladies spent hours and hours stirring the pots and cooking. What a feast that was. So much meet and different kind of dishes. A truely great day for everyone!

Wesley surprised everyone by homemade bread and buns.

He even created his masterpiece: the Christmas Bread. Cool, huh?

Wesley's masterpiece
Wesley’s masterpiece

All Chinkonono kids were present: In total 145 kids took part in the feasts. These kids were coming from PAF and non-PAF households.

If you think that was all…well, there were also those yummy Vinkubalaย that the kids love so much. Not an everyday snack.

Digging in
Digging in

The festivities were punctuated by music and dance, lots of jokes and laughter. You can imagine what a party that was and how many sparkling eyes and bright smiles you could see ๐Ÿ™‚

In the past Christmas went by without people in the village taking part because it was impossible to celebrate due to lack of food.

All this was possible after PAF members in Germany took it upon themselves to bring joy and make Chinkonono celebrate the birth of Jesus together with the rest of the world.

Merry Christmas from PAF :)
Merry Christmas from PAF ๐Ÿ™‚ And Twalumba, Bruni!
Christmas in a Zambian Village